Strani jezik

Teme za završni ispit iz engleskog jezika

Pismeni deo:

Na dati temu sastaviti esej do 250 reči:

  1. The wonders of the mind
  2. Mind over matter
  3. Time travellers
  4. The way we are
  5. Personalities
  6. In and out of fashion
  7. Kindness matters
  8. Making a difference
  9. Stars step in
  10. The global village
  11. Round the world
  12. Languages
  13. The wonders of the world
  14. Movie magic
  15. Music in the air


Usmeni deo:

Odgovor na tri pitanja. Prvo pitanje je citanje i prevod, drugo pitanje je gramaticko, a trece pitanje je konverzacijskog tipa (usmeno izlaganje na izvucenu temu)

  1. Ucenik izvlaci naslov teksta koji cita i prevodi
  2. The wonders of the mind: Super brains
  3. The wonders of the mind: Mind over matter
  4. The wonders of the mind: Brainwaves
  5. The wonders of the mind: Time travellers
  6. The way we are: personalities
  7. The way we are: In and out of fashion
  8. The way we are: Kindness matters
  9. The way we are: Peacemakers
  10. Making a difference: Get involved
  11. Making a difference: SOS Earth
  12. Making a difference: Stars step in
  13. Making a difference: The global village
  14. Round the world: Language
  15. Round the world: The wonders of the world
  16. Round the world: Movie magic
  17. Round the world: Music in the air


  1. Ucenik izvlaci jedno pitanje iz gramatike:
  2. Present tense forms,
  3. Past tense forms;
  4. Passive forms review;
  5. Passive continuous tenses
  6. Relative clauses review
  7. Reported speech review
  8. Reporting verbs review
  9. What clauses
  10. Verb+gerund/infinitive review
  11. Would and used to
  12. Adverbs and adverbial phrases, common adverbial phrase
  13. Dummy it
  14. Modal verbs review
  15. Past Perfect Passive
  16. Past Perfect Continuous;
  17. Conditionals review;
  18. Mixed conditionals
  19. Future time expressions
  20. Phrasal verbs review; Meanings of phrasal verbs
  21. Passive report structures; reading, listening skills, pronunciation
  22. Indirect questions


  1. Ucenik izvlaci temu za konverzaciju
  1. The wonders of the mind
  2. Mind over matter
  3. Time travellers
  4. The way we are
  5. Personalities
  6. In and out of fashion
  7. Kindness matters
  8. Making a difference
  9. Stars step in
  10. The global village
  11. Round the world
  12. Languages
  13. The wonders of the world
  14. Movie magic
  15. Music in the air



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